Realtors / Property Managers

Frustrated woman

Tenant Screening Hassles

Not all Realtors planned on being property managers.

And not all property managers have portfolios large enough to warrant the sophisticated screening solutions that built into major property management software applications like Appfolio.

This can make background checks a time consuming hassle. But skipping them is a mistake guaranteed to increase future hassles. And now, some HOAs are mandating double screening / annual re-screenings for sitting tenants.

So what should you do?

A Simple, Inexpensive Solution

 If you don’t know where to start, or if HOAs have been giving you a hard time about tenant screening, then you’ve come to the right place.

At Metro Screening, we have easy tools that makes getting credit scores and other important data on applicants easy.

You can even have applicant initiate the process and pay for their own background check, leaving you with zero exposure to credit reporting regulations and liabilities.

Man at Computer

Property Managers

If you’re a property manager who is being asked by a MetroWest community to perform duplicate screening, we understand that this forces to tenant to pay twice – and it also increases your work load.

One way around this is to ask your applicant to simply apply once through us. With the tenant’s consent, we will share their screening report with you and you will not need to complete this portion of the application process twice.

Simply direct tenants to our tenant page, and have them insert your email when they are asked “Who asked you to get screened?” Provided they fill out the appropriate consent form, we can then share that report with you. You will still need to complete the employment / prior residence screening yourself of course.



If you’re a property manager in need of a tenant screening solution, you have a couple of choices, depending on how many tenants per month you screen.

If it’s under five, then you can probably use the “Realtor” solution to the right.

If you’re looking to perform larger numbers – or if you have a custom screening need, please contact us to discuss how we can help. We offer a variety of solutions to cater for indpendent and corporate property managers.

Email: or call: (407) 777-4024.


If you’re a Realtor with only occasional screening needs, then your best bet is to have the tenant do the work for you – and also pay for the screening report. No need to worry about applications or consent forms.

Sound too good to be true? 

Choose the screening product that fits your needs from our Tenant page, then direct your applicant there to begin the process, right from their mobile device.

Provide the tenant your email and once screening is complete, you’ll receive the report. All you have to do is check that the ID matches the details on the report before move-in.

Dividing line
What are our screening options?

Annual re-screening: Some home owner associations now require this at lease renewal. Includes: criminal background only.

Full online screening: A great option if you already have a completed application form and will conduct your own employment check & prior landlord references. Includes: nationwide criminal background, eviction check, collections, name alias / SSN search, credit score, sex offender registry, Rent Bureau and more. 

Full application: All of the above, plus a completed application form, prior residency check & current employment verification. Recommended for landlords renting to unknown tenants for the first time. 

OptionWe’ll take away the headache and provide “Approved,” “Conditional” or “Denied” recommendations according to your policies.


How do I initiate a screening?
  • Decide which type of screening you would prefer and direct applicant to this website to get started.
  • Provide the applicant with your email address so that you are notified upon completion.

This “tenant initiated” method provides you the most protection since you will not have to collect application fees, consent forms, or worry about the legal vagaries of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

For other options, including bulk screenings, please contact us.

Who pays for the screening?
  • You can charge an application fee and we can invoice you to conduct screenings;
  • You can simply direct the tenant back to this site where they will initiate the screening – and pay for it themselves. You will receive a copy of the report once complete.

Contact us to discuss the various options available.


When will we receive the results?

It depends which background check is selected. Annual re-screening checks / online only background check results are usually made available the same day. A full background with prior residency checks & current employment will take longer, depending on the accuracy of information provided and the speed with which landlords & employers respond. We can usually complete this process within 24-48 hours.

Prior Residence



Sex Offender

Credit Score

Rent Bureau


ID / Alias


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